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New Acts for 2024

New Acts for 2024

Acts which went into effect on or after January 1, 2024

President Pro Tempore

President Pro Tempore

Senator Bart Hester



View photos of the Senate Chamber, meetings and more.


Senate Passes Additional $100 a Year Property Tax Credit

The Senate has approved a property tax cut that will save Arkansas homeowners $56 million every year. The tax reduction is in Senate Bill 263, which will take effect in 2026. It raises the homestead property tax credit by $100 to $600 a year. The credit is currently $500. About 708,000 homeowners will benefit from the lower real property taxes.

Senate Approves Package of Bills to Regulate Signature Gathering for Ballot Issues

The Senate has approved a package of bills with tougher regulations for the signature-gathering process by which citizens can place issues on statewide ballots.

Senate votes to Transfer Oversight of AETN, Library Board to Education Department

The Senate approved legislation to transfer the powers of the state Library Board to the Education Department. The same bill transfers the authority of the Arkansas Educational Television Commission to the Education Department.

Senator Missy Irvin praised Booth’s service as director of the Game and Fish Commission

Senator Missy Irvin of Mountain View, co- chairman of the Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus, praised Booth’s three-and-a-half years of service as director of the Game and Fish Commission.

Letter from Senator Blake Johnson

Letter from Senator Blake Johnson to Mr. Alonza Jiles

David Wallace - Press Release

Arkansas State Senator David Wallace (R-19th Dist.) today announced a new legal opportunity for survivors of childhood sexual abuse in Arkansas to seek civil justice and accountability against their perpetrators – a second two-year revival window beginning February 1, 2024 during which claims can be brought.

The Republican Women’s Legislative Caucus will hold a press conference at 1:00 pm in the Old Supreme Court Room

The Republican Women’s Legislative Caucus will hold a press conference at 1:00 pm in the Old Supreme Court Room 

Christmas in the Capitol will be December 6

Legislators and other elected officials are gathering gifts for children in state custody, which they will present during a “Christmas in the Capitol” celebration at noon on December 6 in the Old Supreme Court Room of the State Capitol.

Republican Women's Caucus to Present Agenda at Noon Thursday in Old Supreme Courtroom

Republican Women's Caucus to Present Agenda at Noon Thursday in Old Supreme Courtroom