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Senate News

Legislature Created State Trauma System Ten Years Ago

The legislature created the Arkansas Trauma System 10 years ago, with passage of Act 393 of 2009.

Arkansas Joining Fight to Diagnose and Treat PANS

Arkansas is one of 16 states whose legislators are working to help families gain access to medical care for a debilitating disorder that can afflict children after a bout of strep throat.

Efforts to Expand Literacy Paying Dividends

Arkansas has made a strong commitment to making sure that children learn to read at an early age, and the federal government has recognized our efforts with a grant of $38 million to improve literacy.

Legislators Work to Close Achievement Gap in Public Schools

Adequately funding public schools is one of the most complex, time-consuming and important duties of the legislature.

College-going Rate Continues to Decline

The Higher Education Coordinating Board heard a disappointing report about the continuing decline in the number of Arkansas high school graduates who go on to college.

Division of Children and Family Services Reports Progress

The state's child welfare agency has improved its performance over the past three years and continues to make progress, according to its most recent annual report.

Division of Children and Family Services Reports Progress (1)

The state's child welfare agency has improved its performance over the past three years and continues to make progress, according to its most recent annual report.

Crime Lab Opens New Facility in Northwest Arkansas

Earlier this month the state Crime Lab opened a new facility in Lowell, in northwest Arkansas.

State Education Department Releases School Report Cards

The annual report cards for Arkansas public schools has been released by the state Education Department, and they show improvement over last year.

Corrections Board Explores Contract for Privately Operated Prisons

The state Board of Correction has voted to pursue an agreement with Bradley and Drew Counties in southeast Arkansas to set up a private prison.

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Suite 320 
Little Rock, Arkansas