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Weekly Updates

UAMS Receives Grant to Expand Access to Healthcare in Rural Areas

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences received a grant of $4.6 million to boost its program to encourage primary care physicians to practice in rural areas.

State Senate Wins 2019 Efficiency Award, one of Digital Government Transformation Awards Presented by Information Network of Arkansas

The Arkansas state Senate won the 2019 Efficiency Award, one of the Digital Government Transformation Awards presented by the Information Network of Arkansas and state leaders who are working to make government more transparent.

Legislators Working to Control Growth in Medicaid Spending

Almost three years ago a task force of Arkansas legislators submitted its final report on how to control the growing costs of the state Medicaid program.

State Battles Against Abuse of Opioids and Painkillers

Last year 426 Arkansas residents died from a drug overdose, according to death certificates filed with the state Health Department. That is an increase in fatal drug overdoses from 2017, when 417 people in Arkansas died from drugs.

Arkansas Now Has 26 Open Enrollment Charter Schools

With the opening of the 2019-2020 school year, there are 26 open enrollment charter schools in Arkansas.

Senate Live Streaming Grows in Popularity

Transparency in government is a growth industry, if you analyze the number of people who watched the Arkansas Senate during the 2019 legislative session.

Penalty for Passing a Stopped School Bus Have Increased

Back to school in Arkansas means that more than 6,000 buses will transport 350,000 students to and from school.

Legislature Enacts Stronger Literacy Standards

Reading helps children avoid the "summer slide," when lazy days can make them forget what they've learned over the previous year.

Truth in Food Labeling Law Takes Effect

A new law requiring stricter labeling of food products has placed Arkansas in the middle of an international dispute over truth in labeling.

Many Bills Take Effect on 91st Day After Regular Session

Many of the bills approved by lawmakers earlier this year become effective on July 24, which is the 91st day after the legislature adjourned.

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500 Woodlane Street
Suite 320 
Little Rock, Arkansas