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Weekly Updates

Lethal Injection Records to Become Confidential

The Correction Department will keep secret any records about lethal injection and carrying out the death penalty, under a bill that exempts those records from the state Freedom of Information Act.

Legislature Refers Term Limits Proposal to Arkansas Voters

The Senate voted to refer to Arkansas voters a term limits amendment that would restrict future legislators to 12-year terms.

Legislature Considering More Tax Cuts

The Senate has already approved several large tax cuts this session, and another one is on its agenda.

Senate Approves Greater Homestead Property Tax Credits

The Senate passed legislation to increase the homestead property tax credit, which will save more than 716,000 Arkansas homeowners about $12.5 million a year.

Legislature Enacts "Dream BIG" Package of Bills

The legislature has approved and the governor has signed a package of bills sponsored by female lawmakers. The coalition of legislators dubbed their package "Dream BIG for Arkansas."

Highway Program and Ethics Reform Advance

The legislature advanced a major highway program and tougher new ethics laws.

Tax Cut, Teacher Pay Bills Become Law

The legislature approved and the governor signed two of the high-profile bills of this year's session.

Governor Outlines His Proposed Highway Program

The governor, legislators and private business groups joined to propose a highway program that would add $300 million a year in revenue for the state Transportation Department.

Legislature Advances Series of Tax Cut Measures

The legislature advanced a series of tax cuts, including the signature bill of this year's session, to lower personal income taxes by about $97 million a year.

Senators File Legislation to Lower Income Taxes

The governor and legislators presented the details of the signature issue of this year's session, a reduction in personal income taxes.

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Suite 320 
Little Rock, Arkansas