One of the ongoing developments in state government over the past six months has been the efforts of the Human Services Department to reduce the number of people on Medicaid. The goal is to return the health coverage program to levels more closely resembling those prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic the federal government issued emergency regulations that prohibit the state from dropping people on Medicaid, regardless of whether or not their financial circumstances changed.
Weekly Updates
Most Arkansas Colleges Report Enrollment Growth
Since last year enrollment has gone up at most of the publicly supported institutions of higher education in Arkansas. The academic year began about a month ago and headcounts for this year are based on enrollment as of the 11th day of class.
Transportation Department Gets $87 Million in Federal Funding to Reduce Air Pollution
The state Transportation Department has written a plan to reduce carbon emissions by improving traffic flow and connecting highways more efficiently with railroad terminals and ports. The department is due to receive $87 million from the federal government, between now and 2026, for projects that reduce carbon emissions.
Arkansas Renews Focus on Protecting Children in Vulnerable Families
Even though Arkansas has taken major steps to improve foster care over the past several years, the Division of Children and Family Services intends to do even better at recruiting foster families and providing services to children at a younger age.
Legislature Lowers Income Taxes for Individuals and Businesses
In a four-day special session, the legislature lowered state taxes by almost $250 million this year. Legislators also approved the governor’s proposal to prohibit state and local government officials from requiring proof of Covid vaccinations in order to qualify for services, employment or education. Arkansas had a ban in effect, but it expired in August.
Senate Bill Provides Free Lunches to Students from Low-Income Families
Thanks to a Senate bill that became law earlier this year, thousands of Arkansas students will qualify for free lunches at school. Act 656 of 2023 was approved by an overwhelming majority of senators. It benefits children from families with low incomes by eliminating the requirement that they pay a reduced price for lunch. Instead, lunch is free.
Legislators to Review and Clarify Arkansas Gun Laws
Over the course of the upcoming year legislators will study all the various laws in Arkansas governing firearms, with the intent of simplifying them.
Participation in College Sports at Record Level in Arkansas
Participation in athletics at Arkansas institutions of higher education has increased in recent years, even as total enrollment at colleges and universities has gone down.
New Laws Will Protect Integrity of Elections
The Arkansas legislature enacted a lengthy list of new laws to strengthen the integrity of the elections.
Back to School is Historic This Year in Arkansas
This year back to school activities in Arkansas have historic importance, thanks to the far-reaching changes in Act 237 of 2023.