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Weekly Updates

Legislative Changes Stabilized Workers' Comp Market

Thanks to legislation enacted in 1993, Arkansas continues to experience a competitive market for workers’ compensation insurance.

Legislature Commits to Funding of Special Education

Over the past decade, greater numbers of Arkansas children have been diagnosed with disabilities that require them to receive special education.

Arkansas Legislature Approves Private Prison Contract

The Legislative Council endorsed a plan for two southeast Arkansas counties to contract with a private company to build and operate a 600-bed prison.

Arkansas Exports Continue to Increase

Canada and Mexico continue to be the top destinations for Arkansas exports, according to the 2019 report by the World Trade Center of the University of Arkansas.

Income Taxes to Go Down in 2020

In 2019 the regular session lawmakers balanced the budget of state government while cutting taxes and reducing the number of state agencies.

Legislature Had Productive Year in 2019

The new year is an election year, and thanks to legislation approved during the regular session earlier this year, the primaries in Arkansas will take place on Tuesday, March 3.

Joint Public Retirement update

More than 2,000 people attended a series of meetings that the legislature’s Joint Committee on Public Retirement held in 11 cities across Arkansas earlier this fall.

Estimates are that about half of those in attendance were members of the state Teacher Retirement System.

Legislature Created State Trauma System Ten Years Ago

The legislature created the Arkansas Trauma System 10 years ago, with passage of Act 393 of 2009.

Arkansas Joining Fight to Diagnose and Treat PANS

Arkansas is one of 16 states whose legislators are working to help families gain access to medical care for a debilitating disorder that can afflict children after a bout of strep throat.

Efforts to Expand Literacy Paying Dividends

Arkansas has made a strong commitment to making sure that children learn to read at an early age, and the federal government has recognized our efforts with a grant of $38 million to improve literacy.

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State Capitol Building
500 Woodlane Street
Suite 320 
Little Rock, Arkansas