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Weekly Updates

Arkansas Legislature Lowers State Income Taxes by $124 Million a Year

The Legislature easily passed legislation to save Arkansas families about $100 million a year in lower income taxes. The bill also lowers corporate income taxes and will save Arkansas businesses about $24 million a year.

Arkansas Senate Approves Criminal Justice Legislation

The Senate has approved legislation that lengthens prison sentences for violent offenders and requires prison inmates to work harder to qualify for parole.

Legislature Considers List of Proposed Constitutional Amendments

In every regular session the legislature can refer up to three proposed constitutional amendments to voters. The measures referred during the 2023 session will be on Arkansas general election ballots of November, 2024. If a majority of voters approve, the amendments will become part of the state Constitution.

Legislature Enacts Host of Election Reform Laws

The legislature has advanced a long list of bills to prevent voter fraud and protect the integrity of elections.

Legislative Activity Hits High Gear

The governor’s historic reform of Arkansas education is now law. Dozens of other important measures were advanced out of committee and approved by the Senate and House of Representatives. Both chambers approved HB 1419 to change the rules for citizens’ groups trying to place an issue on statewide ballots. Currently, supporters of an initiative or proposed amendment must submit signatures from at least 15 counties. HB 1419 would require a minimum number of signatures from 50 counties. Arkansas has 75 counties.

State announces new effort to recruit foster families

State government and a host of private organizations announced a new effort to recruit more foster families, streamline the process of placing foster children with relatives and accelerating the process for the permanent adoption of children.

Senate Approves Sweeping Education Reforms

The Senate has approved legislation that makes the single largest investment in public education in Arkansas history. Senate Bill 294, the governor’s education package, has 144 pages and 25 Senate co-sponsors.

Arkansas to Seek Work Requirement for Medicaid Expansion Program

Arkansas is changing the eligibility requirements for people who are enrolled in ARHOME, a category of Medicaid the program. Beginning next year they will have to work, volunteer in their community or continue their education in order to continue receiving benefits.

Legislature Prepares for Far-Reaching Education Proposals

Backed by a host of legislators, the governor revealed details of her education package. The proposed changes in public school funding would be numerous and far reaching. They include large increases in teacher pay and the expansion of literacy programs for young children.

Senate Approves Legislation Repealing the Licensure of Abortion Facilities

The Senate passed legislation to repeal language in state law allowing medical facilities to be licensed in order to perform abortions.

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Suite 320 
Little Rock, Arkansas