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Weekly Updates

Senate Approves Broad Tax Relief Measure

The legislature has approved a broad tax relief measure for businesses that were affected by the pandemic.

House Bill 1361 exempts income that people and businesses received through numerous disaster relief programs, such as the popular Paycheck Protection Program.

Legislators File Proposed Constitutional Amendments

he deadline for legislators to file proposed constitutional amendments has passed, and the Senate and House Committees on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs will begin narrowing the list that will be placed on the next general election ballot.

Legislation Protects Businesses from Actions of Customers

Businesses would not be penalized by state regulators for violating Covid-19 restrictions because of the behavior of their customers, under legislation passed by the Arkansas Senate.

Senate Votes to Exempt Unemployment Benefits from State Income Tax

The Senate has voted to exempt last year’s unemployment benefits from state income taxes, to help people who lost their jobs because of the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Senate Votes to Protect People With Disabilities from Discrimination in Organ Transplant Decisions

A Senate committee advanced legislation that protects the rights of people with disabilities who need an organ transplant. Senate Bill 155 also is known as Lila’s Law, after a girl with Down syndrome who in 2018 was denied a potential heart transplant.

Senate Approves "Stand Your Ground" Bill

The Senate passed legislation known as the “Stand Your Ground” bill, which would allow someone to use deadly force to defend themselves against an aggressor.

Legislature Convenes 2021 Regular Session

The 93rd General Assembly convened with a traditional day of swearing in ceremonies for new members, followed by the governor’s speech in a joint session of the legislature. Then lawmakers immediately got down to business.

Safety Measures Make the 2021 Legislative Session Historic

When the Arkansas legislature convenes the 2021 regular session, the first major challenge on the agenda will be ensuring that the public can still safely participate in the democratic process.

Arkansas's Citizen Legislature to Convene 2021 Regular Session

When the legislature convenes in regular session at noon on Monday, January 11, the individuals in the Senate will bring a wide variety of real-world experience to the task.

Legislature to Determine Size of Rainy Day Fund

The level of state government spending determines how much of a surplus is left at the end of the fiscal year. One of the legislature’s most important decisions is how much of a surplus to accumulate, and what to do with it.

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