Energy - Joint
Analyst: Michelle Nelson
Legislative Attorney: Alix Stephens
Administrative Assistant: Cathy Lett
The committee makes continuing studies of energy resources and problems, either initiated by the committee or referred to it by either house of the General Assembly. The committee exercises leadership in energy-related areas that relate to the conservation, development, and use of energy resources. The committee cooperates with the Governor, and the federal government, including participation in regional and national meetings and seminars of state and federal officials in the exchange of information and data on energy resources, supplies, reserves and in the conservation, storage, and use of energy, including the disposal of energy waste and by-products. (A.C.A. 10-3-820)
Representative Matthew J. Shepherd
Representative Zack Gramlich
Additional Members
- Senator Clint Penzo
- Senator Missy Irvin
- Senator Bryan King
- Senator Ronald Caldwell
- Senator Alan Clark
- Senator Gary Stubblefield
- Senator Jimmy Hickey, Jr
- Senator Blake Johnson
- Representative Steve Hollowell
- Representative Richard McGrew
- Representative David Whitaker
- Representative Rick Beck
- Representative Justin Gonzales
- Representative Jack Ladyman
- Representative Ron McNair
- Representative Brandon Achor
- Representative Lee Johnson
- Representative Cameron Cooper
- Representative Harlan Breaux
- Representative Steve Unger
- Representative Randy Torres
- Representative Dolly Henley
- Representative Chad Puryear
- Representative Bart Schulz
- Representative Joey L. Carr
- Representative Matt Brown
- Representative Tara Shephard
- Representative Paul Childress
- Representative Diana Gonzales Worthen
- Representative Howard M. Beaty, Jr.
- Representative Rick McClure
- Representative John P. Carr
- Representative Trey Steimel
- Representative Carlton Wing
- Representative Denise Garner
- Representative Fred Allen