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Joint Performance Review (Joint Performance Review)

Analyst: Colby Little
Administrative Assistant: Emily Jamison

This committee makes random and periodic performance reviews of specific governmental programs and agencies; conducts investigations into specific problem areas of the administration of state government as may be brought to the attention of the committee; refers specific problems regarding the operation of state government to appropriate interim committees of the General Assembly for continuing study; conducts hearings on citizen complaints and views regarding the operation of state government; serves as a forum for citizens to air their complaints and suggestions regarding the operation of state government; reviews the expenditures of the various agencies, departments, and programs of state government to assure that they are being administered in accordance with legislative intent and are being administered in such manner as to provide the taxpayers with the greatest service at the lowest reasonable cost; and makes reports and recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Legislative Council as the committee deems necessary or appropriate to promote more effective and efficient operation of state government. (A.C.A. 10-3-902)


Representative Bruce Cozart

Jamie Scott

Senator Jamie Scott


Representative Tony Furman

Additional Members